It’s been a while since I posted the first part of this blog post, but now its time for the thrilling conclusion! Note: Conclusion may not actually be thrilling.

Last time I gave a general outline of the problem we were trying to solve (automatic deployment of an API, into a controlled environment), went through our build process (TeamCity) and quickly ran through how we were using Amazon CloudFormation to setup environments.

This time I will be going over some additional pieces of the environment setup (including distributing dependencies and using Powershell Desired State Configuration for machine setup) and how we are using Octopus Deploy for deployment.

Like the last blog post, this one will be mostly explanation and high level descriptions, as opposed to a copy of the template itself and its dependencies (Powershell scripts, config files, etc). In other words, there won’t be a lot of code, just words.

Distribution Network

The environment setup has a number of dependencies, as you would expect, like scripts, applications (for example, something to zip and unzip archives), configuration files, etc. These dependencies are needed in a number of places. One of those places is wherever the script to create the environment is executed (a development machine or maybe even a CI machine) and another place is the actual AWS instances themselves, way up in the cloud, as they are being spun up and configured.

The most robust way to deal with this, to ensure that the correct versions of the dependencies are being used, is to deploy the dependencies as part of the execution of the script. This way you ensure that you are actually executing what you think you’re executing, and can make local changes and have those changes be used immediately, without having to upload or update scripts stored in some web accessible location (like S3 or an FTP site or something). I’ve seen approaches where dependencies are uploaded to some location once and then manually updated, but I think that approach is risky from a dependency management point of view, so I wanted to improve on it.

I did this in a similar way to what I did when automating the execution of our functional tests. In summary, all of the needed dependencies are collected and compressed during the environment creation script, and uploaded to a temporary location in S3, ready to be downloaded during the execution of the Cloud Formation template within Amazon’s infrastructure.

The biggest issue I had with distributing the dependencies via S3 was getting the newly created EC2 instances specified in the CloudFormation template access to the S3 bucket where the dependencies were. I first tried to use IAM roles (which I don’t really understand), but I didn’t have much luck, probably as a result of inexperience. In the end I went with supplying 3 pieces of information as parameters in the CloudFormation template. The S3 path to the dependencies archive, and a key and secret for a pre-configured AWS user that had guaranteed access to the bucket (via a Bucket Policy).

Within the template, inside the LaunchConfiguration (which defines the machines to be spun up inside an Auto Scaling Group) there is a section for supplying credentials to be used when accessing files stored in an S3 bucket, and the parameters are used there.

"LaunchConfig" : {
    "Type" : "AWS::AutoScaling::LaunchConfiguration",
    "Metadata" : {
        "AWS::CloudFormation::Authentication" : {
            "S3AccessCreds" : {
                "type" : "S3",
                "accessKeyId" : { "Ref" : "S3AccessKey" },
                "secretKey" : { "Ref": "S3SecretKey" },
                "buckets" : [ { "Ref":"S3BucketName" } ]

I’m not a huge fan of the approach I had to take in the end, as I feel the IAM roles are a better way to go about it, I’m just not experienced enough to know how to implement them. Maybe next time.

My Wanton Desires

I’ll be honest, I don’t have a lot of experience with Powershell Desired State Configuration (DSC from here on). What I have observed so far, is that it is very useful, as it allows you to take a barebones Windows machine and specify (using a script, so its repeatable) what components you would like to be installed and how you want them to be configured. Things like the .NET Framework, IIS and even third party components like Octopus Tentacles.

When working with virtualisation in AWS, this allows you to skip the part where you have to configure an AMI of your very own, and to instead use one of the pre-built and maintained Amazon AMI’s. This allows you to easily update to the latest, patched version of the OS whenever you want, because you can always just run the same DSC on the new machine to get it into the state you want. You can even switch up the OS without too much trouble, flipping to a newer, greater version or maybe even dropping back to something older.

Even though I don’t have anything to add about DSC, I thought I’d mention it here as a record of the method we are using to configure the Windows instances in AWS during environment setup. Essentially what happens is that AWS gives you the ability to execute arbitrary scripts during the creation of a new EC2 instance. We use a barebones Windows Server 2012 AMI, so during setup it executes a series of scripts (via CloudFormation) one of which is the Powershell DSC script that installs IIS, .NET and an Octopus Tentacle.

I didn’t write the DSC script that we using, I just copied it from someone else in the organisation. It does what I need it to do though, so I haven’t spent any time trying to really understand it. I’m sure I’ll have to dig into it in more depth at some future point, and when I do, I’ll make sure to write about it.

Many Arms Make Light Work

With the environment itself sorted (CloudFormation + dependencies dynamically uploaded to S3 + Powershell DSC for configuration + some custom scripts) now its time to talk about deployment/release management.

Octopus Deploy is all about deployment/release management, and is pretty amazing.

I hadn’t actually used Octopus before this, but I had heard of it. I saw Paul speak at DDD Brisbane 2014, and had a quick chat with him after, so I knew what the product was for and approximately how it worked, but I didn’t realise how good it actually was until I started using it myself.

I think the thing that pleases me most about Octopus is that it treats automation and programmability as a first class citizen, rather than an afterthought. You never have to look too far or dig too deep to figure out how you are going to incorporate your deployment in an automated fashion. Octopus supplies a lot of different programmability options, from an executable to a set of .NET classes to a REST API, all of which let you do anything that you could do through the Octopus website.

Its great, and I wish more products were implemented in the same way.

Our usage of Octopus is very straightforward.

During environment setup Octopus Tentacles are installed on the machines with the appropriate configuration (i.e. in the appropriate role, belonging to the appropriate environment). These tentacles provide the means by which Octopus deploys releases.

One of the outputs from our build process is a NuGet Package containing everything necessary to run the API as a web service. We use Octopack for this (another awesome little tool supplied by Octopus Deploy), which is a simple NuGet Package that you add to your project, and then execute using an extra MSBuild flag at build time. Octopack takes care of expanding dependencies, putting everything in the right directory structure and including any pre and post deploy scripts that you have specified in the appropriate place for execution during deployment.

The package containing our application (versioned appropriately) is uploaded to a NuGet feed, and then we have a project in Octopus Deploy that contains some logic for how to deploy it (stock standard stuff relating to IIS setup). At the end of a CI build (via TeamCity) we create a new release in Octopus Deploy for the version that was just built and then automatically publish it to our CI environment.

This automatic deployment during build is done via a Powershell script.

if ($isCI)
    Get-ChildItem -Path ($buildDirectory.FullName) | NuGet-Publish -ApiKey $octopusServerApiKey -FeedUrl "$octopusServerUrl/nuget/packages"

    . "$repositoryRootPath\scripts\common\Functions-OctopusDeploy.ps1"
    $octopusProject = "{OCTOPUS PROJECT NAME]"
    New-OctopusRelease -ProjectName $octopusProject -OctopusServerUrl $octopusServerUrl -OctopusApiKey $octopusServerApiKey -Version $versionChangeResult.New -ReleaseNotes "[SCRIPT] Automatic Release created as part of Build."
    New-OctopusDeployment -ProjectName $octopusProject -Environment "CI" -OctopusServerUrl $octopusServerUrl -OctopusApiKey $octopusServerApiKey

Inside the snippet above, the $versionChangeResult is a local variable that defines the version information for the build, with the New property being the new version that was just generated. The NuGet-Publich function is a simple wrapper around NuGet.exe and we’ve abstracted the usage of Octo.exe to a set of functions (New-OctopusRelease, New-OctopusDeployment).

function New-OctopusRelease

    if ($repositoryRoot -eq $null) { throw "repositoryRoot script scoped variable not set. Thats bad, its used to find dependencies." }

    $octoExecutable = Get-OctopusToolsExecutable
    $octoExecutablePath = $octoExecutable.FullName

    $command = "create-release"
    $arguments = @()
    $arguments += $command
    $arguments += "--project"
    $arguments += $projectName
    $arguments += "--server"
    $arguments += $octopusServerUrl
    $arguments += "--apiKey" 
    $arguments += $octopusApiKey
    if (![String]::IsNullOrEmpty($releaseNotes))
        $arguments += "--releasenotes"
        $arguments += "`"$releaseNotes`""
    if (![String]::IsNullOrEmpty($version))
        $arguments += "--version"
        $arguments += $version
        $arguments += "--packageversion"
        $arguments += $version

    (& "$octoExecutablePath" $arguments) | Write-Verbose
    $octoReturn = $LASTEXITCODE
    if ($octoReturn -ne 0)
        throw "$command failed. Exit code [$octoReturn]."

The only tricksy thing in the script above is the Get-OctopusToolsExecutable function. All this function does is ensure that the executable exists. It looks inside a known location (relative to the global $repositoryRoot variable) and if it can’t find the executable it will download the appropriate NuGet package.

The rest of the Octopus functions look very similar.

The End

I would love to be able to point you towards a Github repository containing the sum total of all that I have written about with regards to environment setup, deployment, publishing, etc, but I can’t. The first reason is because its very much tied to our specific requirements, and stripping out the sensitive pieces would take me too long. The second reason is that everything is not quite encapsulated in a single repository, which disappointments me greatly. There’s some pieces in TeamCity, some in Octopus Deploy with the rest in the repository. Additionally, the process is dependent on a few external components, like Octopus Deploy. This makes me uncomfortable actually, as I like for everything related to an application to be self contained, ideally within the one repository, including build, deployment, environment setup, etc.

Ignoring the fact that I can’t share the detail of the environment setup (sorry!), I consider this whole adventure to be a massive success.

This is the first time that I’ve felt comfortable with the amount of control that has gone into the setup of an environment. Its completely repeatable, and even has some allowance for creating special, one-off environments for specific purposes. Obviously there would be a number of environments that are long lived (CI, Staging and Production at least) but the ability to create a temporary environment in a completely automated fashion, maybe to do load testing or something similar, is huge for me.

Mostly I just like the fact that the entire environment setup is codified, written into scripts and configuration files that can then be versioned and controlled via some sort of source control (we use Git, you should too). This gives a lot of traceability to the whole process, especially when something breaks, and you never have to struggle with trying to understand exactly what has gone into the environment. Its written right there.

For me personally, a lot of the environment setup was completely new, including CloudFormation, Powershell DSC and Octopus Deploy, so this was a fantastic learning experience.

I assume that I will continue to gravitate towards this sort of DevOps work in the future, and I’m not sad about this at all. Its great fun, if occasionally frustrating.


I tutor a fairly new Agile Project Management unit at the Queensland University of Technology (QUT), headed by a friend of mine, Chris Fortuin. INB123 ran for the first time last semester (Semester 2, 2014) for under-graduates, and it went fairly well. The students enjoyed the course overall, even though we might have made the final exam a little harder than we should have. In our defence, we also gave 40% of the grade from participating in workshops/tutorials, so I think it evened out okay.

The course material is primarily based on an Agile Project Management framework called DSDM Atern (also referred to as the Agile PM framework), with a smattering of Scrum and some other concepts.

In order to be allowed to tutor, I had to get an Agile PM Foundation certification, which involved studying a handbook and then answering a bunch of multiple choice questions online in a controlled environment. It was a fairly hard test, but I passed.

This semester we are running a similar Agile Project Management unit at QUT again, except for post-graduates, so we need to raise the bar somewhat.

In order to be allowed to tutor the post-graduate unit, I need to get another certification, the Practitioner one. Luckily this is an extension of the Foundation level, and I just have to complete another exam (multiple choice still). I assume it will focus more on application of the framework instead of just raw fact regurgitation.

I’ll post about how I actually go afterwards.

Unit of Work

Apart from the tiniest possible amount of private tutoring back in Uni, I’ve never really taught anyone anything in an official capacity before. Being that I was only a tutor, you can probably say that I still haven’t taught anyone anything, but that would be mean.

As part of the tutoring, we tried to teach by doing rather than just lecturing. showing the students Agile practices and principles used in a real situation. We tutored in pairs, students worked in groups, we did incremental assignments and ran our workshops like mini-scrums.

Pair tutoring was one of the things that the students liked the most. Obviously we stole the idea from pair programming and we got a lot of the same benefits, which was nice. It allowed the students to get the attention they needed (clarifying topics, asking questions, etc), while also allowing the workshop to continue running. It worked in our favour as tutors as well, as whenever one tutor got tired or ran out of things to say, the other was there to supplement. We’re doing pair tutoring again this semester.

Our attempt at doing an incremental assignment was a mixed bag. The university wouldn’t really let us mark incrementally, so we still required the students to submit once (at the end), which was disappointing, because that’s not really how it works in reality. Still, we encouraged the students to deliver something to us each week, both so that we could make sure that they were making progress and to allow them to get feedback to improve their final result. Not a lot of the students embraced the concept, which was a shame, but they were under-graduates, and I remember what that was like, so I can’t really hold it against them. I think if we had of been able to mark incrementally we would have seen some interesting side effects, like groups meeting their minimum viable product (i.e. marks) and then leaving their assignment there, while others would have chased that perfect mark. Ah well, maybe next time.

Mini-scrum workshops went really well. Each workshop started with a standup, we had a backlog of items in priority order and they all ended with a retrospective, where the students could give feedback, which in turn would make our next workshop better. Standard Scrum stuff. I particularly liked this approach, as it gave the students some exposure to what it was like being inside a working Scrum process, rather than what the process is supposed to be.

All told I greatly enjoyed tutoring the unit for the first time, and I’m eager to do it again. We’ve got some hard earned experience and some new ideas, and I’m eager to see how everything turns out this time.

Expect another post at some point in the future about how this upcoming semester goes.


I mentioned the DSDM Atern framework earlier, so I suppose I should talk about it for a few moments.

Its a strange framework.

It’s popular in Europe (apparently) but I had never heard of it before mid 2014, being far more familiar with the other frameworks like Scrum. That doesn’t really mean anything, as I’m certainly no Agile expert.

DSDM Atern attempts to bring some Agile into the process heavy project space, or maybe it attempts to being some heavy process into an Agile space? I’m not really sure. It feels like it fits in the intersection of those two worlds though, which I assume is it goal.

I have conflicting emotions about it, as it definitely has some great ideas, but it is also very prescriptive. While it is very careful to say that you should measure delivery of useful things over raw output, it does place a large amount of emphasis on what it calls “products”, but what most people would interpret as “documents”.

To be honest, I would view it as a transitory step, one you use in order to migrate a crazy waterfall organisation slowly towards Agile nirvana. Agile is really just a matter of trust, so I can see using DSDM Atern as a way of building trust by focusing on delivery. When you have accumulated some trust, you don’t need a heavy process, just a general goal and people who get out of your way.

Still, the unit was for Agile Project Management, and the framework is quite literally Agile PM so there’s a nice piece of alignment there.


At some point in the future I will likely revisit this topic, and talk more about tutoring at QUT. We’ve got some great new ideas for this upcoming semester, including some shamelessly stolen from EduScrum (flipbooks! student engagement!) and a different way to present assessment (as a backlog, value decided by us, prioritization decided by the students), and I’m very interested to see how they work in practice.

Its good to see that QUT is incorporating more Agile into their curriculum. Teaching new entrants to the workforce how Agile works and why is only going to improve the software development community as a whole, helping us to move away the traditional, heavily controlled processes into something much more enjoyable and effective.


You might have noticed a pattern in my recent posts. They’re all about build scripts, automation, AWS and other related things. It seems that I have fallen into a dev-ops role. Not officially, but it’s basically all I’ve been doing for the past few months.

I’m not entirely sure how it happened. A little automation here, a little scripting there. I see an unreliable manual process and I want to automate it to make it reproducible.

The weird thing is, I don’t really mind. I’m still solving problems, just different ones. It feels a little strange, but its nice to have your client/end-user be a technical person (i.e. a fellow programmer) instead of the usual business person with only a modicum of technical ability.

I’m not sure how my employer feels about it, but they must be okay with it, or surely someone would have pulled me aside and asked some tough questions. I’m very vocal about what I’m working on and why, so its not like I’m just quietly doing the wrong work in the background without making a peep.

Taking into account the above comments, its unsurprising then that this blog post will continue on in the same vein as the last ones.

Walking Skeletons are Scary

As I mentioned at the end of my previous post, we’ve started to develop an web API to replace a database that was being directly accessed from a mobile application. We’re hoping this will tie us less to the specific database used, and allow us some more control over performance, monitoring, logging and other similar things.

Replacing the database is something that we want to do incrementally though, as we can’t afford to develop the API all at once and the just drop it in. That’s not smart, it just leads to issues with the integration at the end.

No, we want to replace the direct database access bit by bit, giving us time to adapt to any issues that we encounter.

In Growing Object Oriented Software Guided By Tests, the authors refer to the concept of a walking skeleton. A walking skeleton is when you develop the smallest piece of functionality possibly, and focus on sorting out the entire delivery chain in order to allow that piece of functionality to be repeatably built and deploy, end-to-end, without human interaction. This differs from the approach I’ve commonly witnessed, where teams focus on getting the functionality together and then deal with the delivery closer to the “end”, often leading to integration issues and other unforeseen problems things, like certificates!

Its always certificates.

The name comes from the fact that you focus on getting the framework up and running (the bones) and then flesh it out incrementally (more features and functionality).

Our goal was to be able to reliably and automatically publish the latest build of the API to an environment dedicated to continuous integration. A developer would push some commits to a specified branch (master) in BitBucket and it would be automatically built, packaged and published to the appropriate environment, ready for someone to demo or test, all without human interaction.

A Pack of Tools

Breaking the problem down we identified 4 main chunks of work. Automatically build, package up application for deployment, actually deploy (and track versions deployed, so some form of release management) and then the setup of the actual environment that would be receiving the deployment.

The build problem is already solved, as we use TeamCity. The only difference from some of our other TeamCity builds, would be that the entire build process would be encapsulated in a Powershell script, so that we can control it in Version Control and run it separately from TeamCity if necessary. I love what TeamCity is capable of, but I’m always uncomfortable when there is so much logic about the build process separate from the actual source. I much prefer to put it all in the one place, aiming towards the ideal of “git clone, build” and it just works.

We can use the same tool for both packaging and deployment, Octopus Deploy. Originally we were going to use NuGet packages to contain our application (created via NuGet.exe), but we’ve since found that its much better to use Octopack to create the package, as it structures the internals in a way that makes it easy for Octopus Deploy to deal with it.

Lastly we needed an environment that we could deploy to using Octopus, and this is where the meat of my work over the last week and a bit actually occurs.

I’ve setup environments before, but I’ve always been uncomfortable with the manual process by which the setup usually occurs. You might provision a machine (virtual if you are lucky) and then spend a few hours manually installing and tweaking the various dependencies on it so your application works as you expect. Nobody ever documents all the things that they did to make it work, so you have this machine (or set of machines) that lives in this limbo state, where no-one is really sure how it works, just that it does. Mostly. God help you if you want to create another environment for testing or if the machine that was so carefully configured burns down.

This time I wanted to do it properly. I wanted to be able to, with the execution of a single script, create an entire environment for the API, from scratch. The environment would be regularly torn down and rebuilt, to ensure that we can always create it from scratch and we know exactly how it has been configured (as described in the script). A big ask, but more than possible with some of the tools available today.

Enter Amazon CloudFormation.

Cloud Pun

Amazon is a no brainer at this point for us. Its where our experience as an organisation lies and its what I’ve been doing a lot of recently. There are obviously other cloud offerings out there (hi Azure!), but its better to stick with what you know unless you have a pressing reason to try something different.

CloudFormation is another service offered by Amazon (like EC2 and S3), allowing you to leverage template files written in JSON that describe in detail the components of your environment and how its disparate pieces are connected. Its amazing and I wish I had known about it earlier.

In retrospect, I’m kind of glad I didn't know about it earlier, as using the EC2 and S3 services directly (and all the bits and pieces that they interact with) I have gained enough understanding of the basic components to know how to fit them together in a template effectively. If I had of started with CloudFormation I probably would have been overwhelmed. It was overwhelming enough with the knowledge that I did have, I can’t imagine what it would be like to hit CloudFormation from nothing.

Each CloudFormation template consists of some set of parameters (names, credentials, whatever), a set of resources and some outputs. Each resource can refer to other resources as necessary (like an EC2 instance referring to a Security Group) and you can setup dependencies between resources as well (like A must complete provisioning before B can start). The outputs are typically something that you want at the end of the environment setup, like a URL for a service or something similar.

I won’t go into detail about the template that I created (its somewhat large), but I will highlight some of the important pieces that I needed to get working in order for the environment to fit into our walking skeleton. I imagine that the template will need to be tweaked and improved as we progress through developing the API, but that's how incremental development works. For now its simple enough, a Load Balancer, Auto Scaling Group and a machine definition for the instances in the Auto Scaling Group (along with some supporting resources, like security groups and wait handles).

This Cloud Comes in Multiple Parts

This blog post is already 1300+ words, so it’s probably a good idea to cut it in two. I have a habit of writing posts that are too long, so this is my attempt to get that under control.

Next time I’ll talk about Powershell Desired State Configuration, deploying dependencies to be accessed by instances during startup, automating deployments with Octopus and many other wondrous things that I still don’t quite fully understand.


Like me, I assume you get into a situation sometimes where you want to execute a script, but you definitely don’t want some of its more permanent side effects to happen. Scripts can do all sorts of crazy things, like commit files into git, make changes to the local machine or publish files into production and you definitely don’t want those things to happen when you’re not intending them to.

This becomes even more important when you want to start writing tests for your scripts (or at least their components, like functions). You definitely don’t want the execution of your tests to change something permanently, especially if it changes the behaviour of the system under test, because then the next time you run the test its giving you a different result or executing a different code path. All things you want to avoid to get high quality tests.

In my explorations of the issue, I have come across two solutions. One helps to deal with side effects during tests and the other gives you greater control over your scripts, allowing you to develop them with some security that you are not making unintended changes.

Testing the Waters

I’ve recently started using Pester to test my Powershell functions.

The lack of testing (other than manual testing of course) in my script development process was causing me intense discomfort, coming from a strong background where I always wrote tests (before, after, during) whenever I was developing a feature in C#.

Its definitely improved my ability to write Powershell components quickly and in a robust way, and has improved my ability to refactor, safe in the knowledge that if I mess it up (and in a dynamic scripting language like Powershell with no Visual Studio calibre IDE, you will mess it up) the tests will at least catch the most boneheaded mistakes. Maybe even the more subtle mistakes too, if you write good tests.

Alas, I haven’t quite managed to get a handle on how to accomplish dependency injection in Powershell, but I have some ideas that may turn up in a future blog post. Or they may not, because it might be a terrible idea, only time will tell.

To tie this apparently pointless and unrelated topic back into the blog post, sometimes you need a way to control the results returned from some external call or to make sure that some external call doesn’t actually do anything. Luckily, Powershell being a dynamic language, you can simply overwrite a function definition in the scope of your test. I think.

I had to execute a Powershell script from within TestComplete recently, and was surprised when my trusty calls to write-host (for various informational logging messages) would throw errors when the script was executed via the Powershell object in System.Management.Automation. The behaviour makes perfect sense when you think about it, as that particular implementation of a host environment simply does not provide a mechanism to output anything not through the normal streams. I mention this because it was a problem that I managed to solve (albeit in a hacky way) by providing a blank implementation of write-host in the same session as my script, effectively overriding the implementation that was throwing errors.

Pester provides a mechanism for doing just this, through the use of Mocks.

I’d love to write a detailed example of how to use Mocks in Pester here, but to be honest, I haven’t had the need as of yet (like I said, I’ve only very recently started using Pester). Luckily the Pester wiki is pretty great, so there’s enough information there if you want to have a read.

I’m very familiar with mocking as a concept though, as I use it all the time in my C# tests. I personally am a fan of NSubstitute, but I’ve used Moq as well.

The only point I will make is that without dependency injection advertising what your components dependencies are, you have to be aware of its internal implementation in order to Mock out its dependencies. This makes me a little bit uncomfortable, but still, being able to Mock those dependencies out instead of having them hardcoded is much preferred.

Zhu Li, Do the Thing (But Not the Other Thing)

The second approach that I mentioned is a concept that is built into Powershell, which I have stolen and bastardised for my own personal gain.

A lot of the pre-installed Powershell components allow you to execute the script in –WhatIf mode.

WhatIf mode essentially runs the script as normal, except it doesn’t allow it to actually make any permanent changes. It’s up to the component exactly what it considers to be permanent changes, but its typically things like changing system settings and interacting with the file system. Instead it just writes out messages to whatever appropriate stream stating the action that would have normally occurred. I imagine that depending on how your component is written it might not react well to files it asks to be created or deleted not occurring as expected, but its still an interesting feature all the same.

In my case, I had a build and publish script that changed the AssemblyInfo of a C# project and then committed those changes to git, as well as tagging git with a build number when the publish completed successfully. I had to debug some issues with the script recently, and I wanted to run it without any of those more permanent changes happening.

This is where I leveraged the –WhatIf switch, even though I used it in a slightly different way, and didn’t propagate the switch down to any components being used by my script. Those components were mostly non-powershell, so it wouldn’t have helped anyway (things like git, MSBuild and robocopy).

I used the switch to turn off the various bits that made more permanent changes, and to instead output a message through the host describing the action that would have occurred. I left in the parts that made permanent changes to the file system (i.e. the files output from MSbuild) because those don’t have any impact on the rest of the system.

Of course you still need to test the script as a whole, which is why we have a fully fledged development environment that we can freely publish to as much as we like, but its still nice to execute the script safe in the knowledge that it’s not going to commit something to git.

I’ve found the WhatIf approach to be very effective, but it relies entirely on the author of the script to select the bits that they thing are permanent system changes and distinguish them from ones that are not as permanent (or at least easier to deal with, like creating new files). Without a certain level of analysis and thinking ahead, the approach obviously doesn’t work.

I’ve even considered defaulting WhatIf to on, to ensure that its a conscious effort to make permanent changes, just as a safety mechanism, mostly to protect future me from running the script in a stupid way.


When programming, its important to be aware of and to limit any side effects of the code that you have written, both for testing and development. The same holds true of scripts. The complication here is that scripts tend to bundle up lots of changes to the system being acted upon as their entire purpose, so you have to be careful with selecting which effects you want to minimise while developing.

In other news, I’ve been working on setting up a walking skeleton for a new service that my team is writing. Walking skeleton is a term referenced in Growing Object Oriented Software, Guided By Tests, and describes writing the smallest piece of functionality possible first, and then ensuring that the entire build and deployment process is created and working before doing anything else.

I suspect I will make a series of blog posts about that particular adventure.

Spoiler alert, it involves AWS and Powershell.